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The tutorials are not perfect, so here are some additions. Note that I assume that you already know the basics of how to use mt3.
Step 1: Import
Requires library import to use the library's functions.
import mods.MTUtilsGT
Step 2: Instructions
/mtu gtkeys
View key of all GT machine recipes
This key determines your recipe type, which will be discussed later.
/mt liquids
View the list of liquids in. /minecraft/minetweaker.logs
Step 3: Functions
a. Adding recipes
MTUtilsGT.addCustomRecipe("gt.recipe.canner", false, 128, 128, [10000],
[<minecraft:cobblestone>], [<liquid:soda>500], [<liquid:water>500], [<minecraft:diamond>]);
"gt.recipe.canner" - the key of the GreyTech 6 machine recipe, which can be used as a location string to determine what machine the recipe is loaded onto. In this case, for example, "gt.recipe.canner" means the canning machine, which means that the recipe added by this function will take effect on all machines that use the canning machine recipe. This also includes large machines: for example, for a mixer, if "gt.recipe.mixer" is used, the recipe will be valid for large mixers, electric mixers, and mixers alike.
false - true means NBT is used, false means NBT is ignored.
128 - Recipe energy requirement in GU/tick, note that this must be set to 0 if you are tinkering with machines that do not require energy such as bath and condensers.
128 - Recipe time requirements in ticks
[10000] - the probability of outputting an item. 10000 represents 100%, 0 represents 0%, and 5000 represents 50%. If you have more than one item, use commas to separate them.
<minecraft:cobblestone>] - Input item slots. Note that the recipe will not work if the machine has fewer slots than the types of items you add. oredicts are not supported.
[<liquid:soda>*500] - Enter a liquid tank. Note that the recipe will not work if the machine has fewer tanks than the type of liquid you added.
[<liquid:water>*500] - Output liquid tank, note that the recipe won't work if the machine has fewer output tanks than the type of liquid you added.
[<minecraft:diamond>] - Output item slots. Note that the recipe won't work if the modified machine outputs fewer slots than the type of item you added. Minecraft does not support mineral words.
*If the input/output is not available, then null must be used to occupy the slot.
b. Remove recipe
"gt.recipe.mixer" - the key of the Greg Technologies 6 machine recipe, which can be used as a location string to determine what machine this recipe is loaded onto. Here is the mixer.
<minecraft:dirt> - The output item. Note that mineral words, fluids, or IItemStack[] are not supported here.
c. Fluid replacement
The first fluid represents the original fluid, and the second fluid represents the newly added fluid.
This line of code means that any GT recipe that uses soda is allowed to replace soda with mineralsoda.
MTUtilsGT.addFluidInput([ [<liquid:soda>,<liquid:mineralsoda>]]);
This is also possible, and allows the addition of more fluid to replace the original fluid.
*This type of substitution is not machine specific, so the recipe amount is very large, so please take caution.
Thank you for watching this tutorial, if you have any further questions, please contact me privately or comment.